Grand Opening Medical Office | Photo Station Phoenix

I just love this girl in the middle, her laugh was contagious. I have to admit this is when I’m partial to our photo station versus our selfie station. A real photographer can laugh with her and get these sort of reactions and capture this huge smile and laugh. I’m not sure if they were doing it themselves if it would have been as animated. Well I guess that just depends as I have seen a ton of great fun photos come from GIFs, Boomerangs, etc. Being in motion makes people do some pretty crazy stuff.

This event was a grand opening for a new medical treatment center in North Phoenix. The weather cooperated so well, the photo station was set up outside, adjacent to the live music. Guests and employees mingled and had their photos taken - some coming back a few times. I just love it!

Again, a photo booth is so perfect for ANY event. Make sure you choose well!